Inspired by nature

Fearless, Expressive. Beautiful.

Acrylic and gold leaf paintings, collages and painted plates.

My Medium

I use many different mediums, in particular acrylic and gold leaf with palette knives to get a beautiful texture and I enjoy the freedom I have when using these tools. I also love to use Indian ink and watercolour on Khadi paper.

When I'm making my paper cut collage illustrations I use recycled and found papers.

I collect vintage plates and paint them with acrylic paint pens and they come with a wall hanger attached to the back.

My Inspiration

I am lucky to live on the beautiful south coast and am happiest when I’m near the sea. I’m often inspired when walking my dog around the harbour and swimming in the sea.

I hope that the positivity and joy in my artwork will inspire others to immerse themselves and experience the many benefits of sea swimming.